Badiuzzaman Bay


Badiuzzaman Bay is Assistant Editor, The Daily Star. He can be reached at [email protected]

The only budget I care about is one that reduces my bills

Budget day is turning into our very own Groundhog Day.

6d ago

Citizen data server? More like a data supermarket

It's frightening to think citizens' private data is being sold through hundreds of social media pages and groups

2w ago

Why does a six-day holiday feel too good to be true?

This is apparently the longest holiday that journalists have ever gotten in the history of Bangladesh’s newspaper industry.

2m ago

Who will restrain prices in the month of restraint?

If the government really wants to control or bring down prices during Ramadan and afterwards, it must be willing to go after its 'own people.'

3m ago

Who will restrain prices in the month of restraint?

A government’s job is not to preach about people’s food choices, but to keep food prices stable and reasonably down. When it starts to preach, more often than not it is trying to deflect scrutiny of what it cannot achieve through actions.

3m ago

‘Will you be my Valentine?’ and other expensive offers

In the end, love is a personal matter and it should remain so, regardless of how it comes out on February 14 and in the days that follow.

4m ago

‘There’s a huge difference between DSA and CSA’

Mohammad Ali Arafat, the newly appointed state minister for information and broadcasting, in an exclusive interview with The Daily Star.

4m ago

Word of the Election Year: Dummy

Politicians provided a steady supply of obnoxious, potentially title-winning examples

5m ago
December 13, 2023
December 13, 2023

How to make dissenters out of citizens

Awami League has always found justification in the Nietzschean theory of cultivating or “inventing” enemies

November 16, 2023
November 16, 2023

Polls schedule is not a cut-off point for dialogue

Without political reconciliations, we're headed for another violent, one-sided election

November 9, 2023
November 9, 2023

Who are these nameless, faceless arsonists?

These attacks are at once a political issue, a law enforcement issue, and a human rights issue.

November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023

Can bureaucrats be neutral in a win-or-lose-all battle?

Let me put it another way: is a fair election possible even if Awami League “allows” it?

October 9, 2023
October 9, 2023

Soft openings, hard politics

As the political landscape heats up in anticipation of the general election, the ruling Awami League seems to be pulling out all the stops

August 17, 2023
August 17, 2023

Road safety, transport politics, and a curious policy U-turn

The latest policy rollover on unfit vehicles seems to be the result of our policymakers remembering that they have interests to protect.

August 3, 2023
August 3, 2023

A Lunch Date Gone Wrong

The apparent hospitality offered to BNP leaders Gayeshwar Chandra Roy and Amanullah Aman has caused reactions both funny and speculative.

July 23, 2023
July 23, 2023

A nation off-guard: Why is dengue still a non-issue?

Can we respond to a public health crisis with the same urgency as the crisis over our electoral future?

June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023

Books and bureaucrats are a dangerous mix

Few people are perhaps aware that there is a specific government institution responsible for overseeing non-government libraries.

June 6, 2023
June 6, 2023

Sacred Corruption: The Unqualified and The Unscrupulous

Corruption in hajj management has come to the limelight after the publication of two reports

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