Law Vision

Law Vision

LAW VISION / An Overview of Bangladesh National Artificial Intelligence Policy 2024

Bangladesh has very recently formulated the National Artificial Intelligence Policy 2024 (AI Policy 2024) to effectively address the social, legal and ethical issues associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

1m ago

RIGHTS VISION / Data Localisation and Data Protection in Bangladesh: A Review

Data localisation requires for data, particularly personal and/or arguably sensitive, to be stored and processed within a specific geographical location or jurisdiction.

4m ago

YEAR-END JUDGMENT REVIEW / Notable Decisions of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh

In view of the end of 2023, the write-up compiles certain landmark decisions that were handed down by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh last year.

5m ago

Renewable energy business: A Promising Sector in Bangladesh

Recently, the government has given the highest priority to the improvement of the energy business. In this context, the government has

1y ago

Law Vision / In quest for rules to be laid down under the Arbitration Act, 2001

In many instances, an Act of Parliament includes a provision allowing the government or the relevant authority to make rules for carrying out the provisions of the concerned Act. Under an Act of Parliament, the rules are framed as directives and/or instructions for the users of the legislation in question. If rules are framed as such, more clarity is brought about and confusion about many provisions of the relevant statute gets dispelled. It also helps to carry out the purpose of the legislation in line with the intention of the legislature. 

2y ago

Improving higher education in Bangladesh: A case for collaboration with Australia

Australia and Bangladesh have concluded the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) on 15 September 2021 to boost their trade and

2y ago

Law Vision / Urgent reforms to ADR in South Asia to achieve SDG-16

The traditional process of litigating has been one of the best ways of resolving disputes from time immemorial because of its credible methods of examination, depiction, and judgment-giving.

2y ago

Law Vision / The quest for special courts for adjudication of corporate disputes

In the last few years, Bangladesh has given its business environment a facelift to attract investments. To curtail excessive red tapism in company registration, the incorporation of company has been simplified by digitalisation.

2y ago

On the settlement of land disputes in the CHT

Land crisis is arguably the main problem in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs) centering which many other problems have arisen over the years. From time immemorial, the CHT inhabitants have been complying with their traditional collective ownership principle coupled with customary rules and regulations for land management.

4y ago

Intellectual Property regime in the age of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) generated contents have been posing formidable challenges to the existing Intellectual Property (IP) regime.

4y ago

Institutional barriers in accessing civil justice system

Goal 16 of the SDGs pledges ‘ensuring access to justice for all’ as a target to be achieved. The term ‘all’ signifies everyone irrespective of their race, sex, color, language, religion, wealth, etc. In this article, I will not take a holistic approach to access to justice, but attempt to explore the likely institutional barriers that cause obstacles for the poverty ridden people in starting judicial proceedings before any civil court.

4y ago

Sexual offences against women: looking beyond the statutes

The society of Bangladesh has been particularly unsafe for women because of the rising rate of crimes against women in all spheres. According to Ain o Salish Kendro, 128 women were raped, 12 were killed after being raped, 26 were attempted to be raped and 2

4y ago

The legality of artificial intelligence weapons

There is no legal definition regarding artificial intelligence (AI) weapons, no treaties and national legislation define such autonomous weapons system (AWS). In 2013 the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) defined AWS which is the most cited definition till date. The

4y ago

Non-compete clause: Can employer impose restraint upon former employees?

Usually, employers use the post-employment restraint clauses or non-compete clauses to defend their business interests after an employee departs their company. Non-compete clause is notably added in the employment contract seeking to refrain an employee to

4y ago

Time to adopt intellectual property policy for universities

Bangladesh has continuously been ranking in poor position at global and regional innovations index. Despite the noticeable progress in many areas, including ICT sectors, the scenario of innovations and creativity remain dissatisfactory. What factors are possibly

4y ago

Understanding Bangladesh’s stand in global climate change battle

If human species somehow manage to survive the apocalyptic disaster of climate change, the Paris Agreement 2015 would be remembered as a remarkable achievement in the history of civilisation.

4y ago

Some traffic laws & scant regard for the mass

In the current era of indirect democracy, it is accepted that the laws and policies would be made, not by the people themselves but by their representatives.

4y ago

The role of civil justice in achieving SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) came into force by a historic UN Summit with a view to mobilising efforts to end all forms of poverty, inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind.

4y ago
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